Workshops and Speaking
"That's how knowledge works. It builds up like compounding interest."
Warren Buffet
Workshops and trainings designed to gradually nudge professionals and parents to better practices when working with children. Workshops combine research and real world practical information to start small but challenge. Parent support and professional development to challenge your current ways of thinking.
Each workshop or training comes with drill down notes and online resources focusing on the science, application and specific next steps.
Parenting Training --Science + Social Support = Sanity
Parenting Mindset
Practical Strategies for Whole Brain Parenting
Everyday childhood ACE Stressors- Trauma Informed Parenting
Fostering functional Non-Cognitive skills
Developmental Milestones and Identifying Delays
Help! Challenging Behaviors Balancing the Child's Skills and Your Expectations
Professional Development Training Topics
Trauma Informed Teaching
Practical Strategies in Whole Brain Teaching
Equity and Diversity
Building Non- Cognitive Skills
Fusing play based experiences with the California Early Learning Curriculum Framework. Preparing for School Readiness
Help! Challenging Behaviors Balancing the Child's Skills and Your Expectations
Parent Coaching
Move the needle on your parenting a few degrees. Parent a few degrees less anxious, overwhelmed and stressed. Gradually move a few degrees closer to parenting more confidently, more sane and with more joy.
No matter what challenge you are facing, there is support for parents of children of all ages on any of the follow issues:
Challenging Behavior
Setting Limits
Support a child with special needs
Parent Coaching helps parents learn about the science of child development and obtain social support which may bring you a little more sanity ( Science + Social Support=Sanity). Coaching can focus on identifying and accessing community supports and discovering techniques and strategies to help children learn.
To schedule Professor Harper for speaking, workshops or coaching, please use the links below.